The key is to observe the situation. What is happening, what is the flow? What is needed, what is being asked of you? It is important to look carefully and decide your attitude. Look at yourself objectively as well.
A time when you are fully capable. It seems like you can do anything if you put your mind to it, but it is necessary to carefully assess the situation. You will often be faced with difficult challenges, but you will be required to make wise decisions without overestimating yourself, shaking off feelings of helplessness. This is a time when you will have to face the limits of your own abilities.
The key is to determine the path that is right for you. No matter how much you want it, sometimes your feelings alone can't do anything. When things aren't going well, reconsider whether that person or that relationship is really right for you. It's also key to know how you are seen by them.
This is a time when you can move your money around happily. It is important to be aware of the flow and maintain a good condition without being swept away. Even if you are in a good flow, do not get too carried away. Do not leave things in a state of disarray. This is also a time when your own judgment is key. Stay objective.
Born on the 1st, 3rd, 7th, 9th, 12th, 13th, 23rd
The key is to question your perspective. There may be things you don't see from your perspective. It's time to learn to look at things from a broader perspective, rather than sticking to your own point of view. Stretch yourself a little and try new ways of thinking.
Born on the 2nd, 5th, 14th, 18th
This is a time when things will be conveyed naturally through your actions and attitudes, even if you don't say it directly. If you walk with a serious attitude and true to yourself, people who sympathize with you and support you will appear. Don't deceive yourself about what you see, show it honestly.
Born on the 4th, 11th, 24th, 25th
It's time to look at the positive aspects of things. The key is to seek out what you feel is good. It's important not to just stare at the object itself, but to pay attention to the associated effects it brings. Follow your own honest impressions.
Born on the 6th, 15th, 28th, 29th, 30th
What you should look at is yourself. Your surroundings reflect your own consciousness. Depending on your attitude and way of thinking, things may look completely different. Take a good look in the mirror. If you see a beautiful reflection of yourself, there is nothing wrong with the situation.
Born on the 8th, 21st
This is a time when you will be in the spotlight. Be aware that you are always being watched, and discipline yourself. Your actions will affect your surroundings and the situation. This is an important time to carefully observe the reactions of your surroundings and the situation and adjust your own attitude.
Born on the 10th, 16th, 17th, 19th, 20th, 26th, 31st
It's important to be open to learning. This is a time when you should maintain your current position, but you can see more while still maintaining your own perspective. Don't spare any effort to get the information you need. Use your perception to the fullest and expand your world.
Born on the 22nd, 27th
It's a time when you may be asked to decide your future, but you should make your own decisions. The key is to look carefully at the situation and decide for yourself what time it is and what you should do. What's important is not how others see you, but how you see yourself.
Hexagram 20(Starting from the top, the line numbers are: base,none,4,5,top,2,3)