Born in


Fortune for 2025

This is a time when things tend to stop moving. Things tend to get stagnant, but rather than actively trying to break the stagnation, it is better to wait for things to start flowing naturally. Don't step onto a strange path just because you can't move forward. Be patient until things start moving.


This is a time when following what is good is key. It is important not to make the wrong decision about what to follow. This is a time when the good flow is more likely to be disrupted, so the path that doesn't go well may be the better path. Don't follow the bad path just because the good one doesn't go well. This is a time when patience is needed.


This is a time when patience is key. No matter what you do, nothing will go well, and you will likely be left unable to move, so assume that there is nothing you can do now. It may be a difficult time, but stick to the feelings you want to hold on to. Keep it quietly in your heart and wait for your luck to start to change.


It's a time to collect money. It's also a time when money will come in, so there are plenty of possibilities. The flow can easily stop, so be proactive in collecting information yourself and pull out what you need. You will be responsible for what you collect. It's important not to stray from the direction you're aiming for.

Born on the 1st, 5th, 11th, 26th, 30th

Don't go down a path you know you shouldn't go down. A path that is open when it is blocked is not the right path to go. There is meaning in experiencing stagnation. If you can't stand it and make a strange move, you will bring yourself down.

Born on the 2nd, 8th

Stagnation is only at the beginning. Gradually, movement will occur and the blockage will be broken. Stagnation will be naturally eliminated, so do not be impatient. Luck will gradually become more active. This is a transitional period where you can feel the joy of the situation being activated.

Born on the 3rd, 13th, 24th, 27th

It's not a bad thing to stop. There are times when you should move and times when you should stop. Just stop when you should stop. It's dangerous to force yourself to move. It's important to be sensitive to changes in your luck and situation.

Born on the 4th, 9th, 10th, 12th, 19th, 25th, 28th

When the time is right, the way will open up. When you feel movement beginning to occur, when you are sure that it is now, take action. You will be able to shake off stagnation and allow the flow of good fortune to flow. The key is to find the best timing.

Born on the 6th, 7th, 14th, 16th, 21st, 29th

If you are willing, you can improve the situation and make way. However, it is important not to become complacent or relieved by that. If you leave it alone, what started moving will naturally stop moving again. Always be vigilant and consciously eliminate stagnation in a natural way.

Born on the 15th, 17th, 20th, 22nd, 23rd

The key is to understand and accept the situation and position you are in. Know how you should behave and don't resist or rebel. Being stuck is the right path for now. Don't jump at dubious opportunities.

Born on the 18th, 31st

If you are serious about what you have to do, you may be able to move the situation around. Work on the parts that are easy to move and continue to make patient efforts to get a path forward. When you get stuck, don't give up or give in.

Hexagram 12(Starting from the top, the line numbers are: 3,top,none,4,5,2,base)