Born in


Fortune for 2025

It's a difficult time to move forward. Rather than forcing yourself to go down a rough road, it's important to make a careful decision while gathering information and consulting with others about which path is best and how to proceed. Even if your goal is not wrong, it's a difficult time to get close to it, so don't rush to move forward.


It's a time when gathering various strengths is key. There are many possibilities, but even if you are proactive, you may not be able to move forward on your own. It's important to seek out people with experience and achievements, and learn to make difficult decisions. Be conscious of choosing between possibilities.


It's a time when you are likely to face difficulties, but if you approach them with a soft heart, you will be able to overcome them without getting hurt. It's a time when the circumstances and conditions are not right, so it's important not to force yourself to do things that you know are impossible. Even in difficult situations, don't let your emotions get out of control, protect your heart, and maintain a flexible attitude.


Stay in your place. It's a difficult time to move, even if you want other possibilities. No matter what the situation is, if you stay in your place, there will be no problem and what comes in will come in. There is no need to lament or rush for other things.

Born on the 1st, 2nd, 10th, 11th, 12th, 27th, 29th

It is important not to move forward when you can't. If you realize that you can't move forward, stop trying and wait until you can. This is the key time to decide not to move forward. If you are unsure, turn back.

Born on the 3rd, 25th

This is a time when you can get help. Even with support, it may still be difficult to move forward, but there is a ray of hope. Work together to see how you can make it easier. It is important not to underestimate the difficulty of the situation.

Born on the 4th, 5th, 9th, 15th, 19th, 22nd, 26th

There are some things that you should not leave alone. No matter how difficult it may be, this is a time when you should not stop moving forward. Without thinking about whether your efforts are meaningful or what the results will be. Just follow the conviction that you must move forward no matter what.

Born on the 6th, 23rd

It is important not to try to go it alone. When times get tough, you need support and help. It is important to seek out people who can give you the right advice, and to find comrades who can walk the difficult path with you. You cannot go it alone.

Born on the 7th, 13th, 17th, 18th

The important thing is not to move forward on your own. There may be times when you have to move forward even if it is difficult, but at such times it is important to build cooperative relationships with those around you. An altruistic attitude may be the force that changes the situation into one that is easier to move forward in.

Born on the 8th, 20th, 24th, 28th

Don't push yourself, just stay where you are. Even if you try to go elsewhere, it's likely that you'll end up not succeeding and will have to go back. If you move forward and realize it's difficult, don't ignore your anxiety, but go back to a place where you feel safe. This is not the time for challenges.

Born on the 14th, 16th, 21st

It's time to get the key to making things easier. If you are shown a way to make things easier or a path to follow, try putting it into practice. Don't worry alone, open your heart to someone who will lead you and give you a push. The path that leads to you is good.

Hexagram 39(Starting from the top, the line numbers are: base,5,2,4,none,3,top)