Born in


Fortune for 2025

Moderation is important. The key is not to overdo anything. Even something that is good in itself can have the opposite effect if you overdo it. Be aware of stopping at the right point and maintaining a comfortable level, and make adjustments as you go.


How you interact with others is key. It is important to determine who you interact with, how much, and how. Be careful not to be tied down to internal relationships or be too influenced by specific people. Keep a moderate distance and interact with people who share your goals.


The key is to keep a reasonable distance. This is a time when it is necessary to look at yourself and each other from a little distance. By showing each other how to discipline yourself and maintain your best condition, you can learn from each other. Experience the comfort of that.


Take care of your daily life. Tighten up where you need to, and be consistent and steady. This is a time when you should focus on making your daily life run smoothly and comfortably. Avoid overly optimistic calculations, don't neglect steady effort, and learn to enjoy each day within your limits.

Born on the 1st, 5th, 19th, 20th, 22nd, 26th

You can't be lenient with yourself, but you can't be overly strict with yourself either. Do the best you can within the limits of what you can do comfortably now. You can't slack off, but you can't let it become a burden either. Have fun, feel good, and be refreshed to the fullest.

Born on 2nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 29th, 30th

You have to take control of yourself. If you don't keep things in moderation, you'll end up regretting it. If you feel like you're not doing well, it's important to make the right adjustments. Don't let yourself get dragged down and give in to your weak heart.

Born on the 3rd, 31st

There's no problem as long as you maintain your own pace without straining yourself. When you want to work hard, work hard, and when you want to rest, rest. Rather than trying to stick to a certain pace, it's important to have the leeway to naturally vary your pace to suit your condition at the time.

Born on the 4th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 13th, 14th, 15th

Self-management will help you stay in good shape. If you are in good shape, it will influence those around you and everything will go well. The most important thing is to discipline yourself. In order to live comfortably without straining yourself, make sure to motivate yourself moderately.

Born on the 9th, 10th, 12th, 21st

Take the necessary action when it is necessary. Don't miss the opportunity by stopping too much or being too defensive. Sometimes change is essential to maintain the right state. Just go in the direction that your feet naturally lead you, without forcing yourself.

Born on the 11th

It's easy to put in too much effort, so take a moment to stop and check that you're not trying too hard. It's important to discipline yourself, but it's meaningless if the pressure just keeps getting stronger. Allow yourself to relax moderately.

Born on 16th, 17th, 18th, 27th, 28th

When taking action, make sure it is the right time. It is best not to rush into something driven by strong emotions. The key is to maintain the same pace as before. Don't seek easy stimulation.

Hexagram 60(Starting from the top, the line numbers are: none,3,4,5,2,top,base)