Born in


Fortune for 2025

This is a time when restraint is key. Even if you want more and more, it will be difficult to satisfy your desires. This is a time when ambition can easily backfire, so it is important to be cautious with your aggressiveness. Tell yourself that this is enough for now and be modest.


This is a time when reducing is key. It's okay to take losses or be stingy now. If there's something you want to reduce, reduce it without hesitation. Reducing something now may lead to an increase or improvement later, so consider whether there is anything you can reduce in everything.


Waiting is key. It's important to wait here, so don't rush into change. Even if you think you could do more, doing too little is the right answer. If you're hoping for future developments, now is the time to wait for them. Don't rush.


The key is not to try to get too much. It's a good idea to move a small amount at a time, gradually and flexibly, to the direction that seems good. It's best to lower your goals. It's important to read the trends and trends around you, seek advice from experts, and proceed with humility, thinking of this as a learning experience.

Born on the 1st, 22nd, 24th

Patience is necessary. Be careful because it's easy to lose control and overdo it. If you're unsure whether to do it or not, choose not to do it. If you feel like you want to do it, think about whether it's better not to do it. Suppress your aggressiveness.

Born on the 2nd, 8th, 23rd, 26th, 27th, 30th

This is a time when you are likely to end up somewhere different from what you were aiming for. Instead of getting hung up on your original goal, think that what you have arrived at is what you needed. It is also important to accept the reality that you are in a period where you cannot aim for more than that.

Born on the 3rd, 4th, 18th, 19th, 28th

If you are unsure, choose down over up, small over big, and low over high. Don't try to make it a plus, but accept some minus. Even if nothing good happens during this period, it's enough if it passes without incident. Don't think big, be modest.

Born on the 5th, 13th, 15th, 16th, 29th

This is a time when emotions tend to become excessive, so it is important to have a strong sense of self-control. It is best to feel a little overly restrained. Even if you act aggressively, you cannot expect good results. You are being tested on how much you can endure.

Born on the 6th, 9th, 14th

Basically, be passive and let things happen if you can do nothing. However, don't be so stubborn about not doing anything that you miss the opportunity to act. Maintain an open mind and attitude, and make wise decisions.

Born on the 7th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 17th, 20th, 21st, 25th, 31st

The key is whether you can endure it or not. You are free to not endure it, but you will have to bear the consequences. When self-control is necessary, exercise self-control. Think carefully about which attitude is better for you and decide for yourself.

Hexagram 62(Starting from the top, the line numbers are: 3,2,none,base,4,top)