

You refrain from action and observe what is happening. You are motionless and enjoy the freedom of being in that state. You are patiently waiting for new ideas to emerge. You are trying to look at reality from a different perspective than your usual self or others.


Look at it from a slightly different perspective. It seems better not to try to proceed right now. Is it really like you're imagining? What does it look like from the opposite point of view? Are there any parts that are distorted by your own beliefs? Look at another side. If you can see something different, your image will change, your thoughts will change, and you will likely have different feelings and sensations than you have now. It's not too late to decide after checking.


It seems better to let go for a while. Even if you try to move forward as it is now, it will be difficult to move immediately. By taking a little distance and taking time, you can see what you can't see now. When you notice what you should notice, things will start to move. Better to do nothing. It is a choice that leaving it alone will lead to a solution.


Everything is just happening as it needs to happen. Even if it is a sacrificial trial or tribulation, it means that it is meaningful for you to go through it. What may be suffering on the surface is joy to the soul. Experiencing it leads to joy. Is it possible to have that kind of consciousness?


It's time to reexamine your own perception. You may be so obsessed with your own desires that you can't see what's going on around you. If you continue to try to get your way, nothing will change. You need to go beyond your ego and deeply understand the current situation to find out what is really happening and why this problem has arisen. Take your time and observe the situation without rushing, and wait for inspiration to come to you with a solution.



You're thinking too much and don't know what to do. You are unable to accept the situation calmly and judge things based on your own assumptions. You are trying to abdicate your responsibility and act like a victim, blaming others for your problems.


Why are you trying to do that? For someone? For something? Dedicate yourself? Could it be your own intention? You may think it's also for your own sake, and that's why you want to do it, but it might be a little too blind. If you look around with a little more open mind, you may find miraculous options that don't require you to be so sacrificial. Don't be tied down.


If you are bound by your own thoughts, you will not be able to move. "I want it to be so", "I want to do it this way", such feelings may be too strong. For once, let go of your own thoughts. Accepting things that you thought you couldn't give up may open up an unexpected perspective.


No matter how much you resist, it's useless. You can't get out of this situation unless you accept that the problem lies within you. Don't just blame others, look at yourself. Realize that the only person who is making you look miserable is yourself.