Horoscope 6/26~7/2
Aries (born 3/21-4/19)
Encouraged to interact. It's time to get energized through communication, so ride the waves full of brightness.
Taurus (born 4/20-5/20)
Encouraged to value your connections. Value being there, doing that, and being with that person.
Gemini (born 5/21-6/21)
Encouraged to study steadily. Don't doubt that you will get results, and apply what you have learned to your next step. It is also important to put your ideas into words.
Cancer (born 6/22-7/22)
The key is to not get drawn into the dark side. It's easy to sink, but have faith in your ability to pull yourself out. The important thing is to hang in there.
Leo (born 7/23-8/22)
Encouraged to overcome. Cultivate the ability to calmly determine whether or not you should follow your intuition. Don't be overwhelmed by the feeling of pressure.
Virgo (born 8/23-9/22)
Putting things into words is key. Putting your thoughts into writing can help you gain deeper insight. Take the time to think deeply.
Libra (born 9/23-10/22)
The key is to cherish the things that are important to you. Place the things you want to be a part of for the long term at the center of your life.
Scorpio (born 10/23-11/21)
The key is to not keep it all to yourself. Aim to take in a variety of energies into yourself and let them circulate comfortably.
Sagittarius (born 11/22-12/21)
Optimism is encouraged. Enjoy the feeling of elation as you feel motivated and energized. Recognize the good fortune that is all around you.
Capricorn (born 12/22-1/20)
Encouraged to become a leader. Be aware that you have a role to play in lifting up those around you, and start by improving yourself.
Aquarius (born 1/21-2/18)
Balance is key. Stability and a sense of security are important, but don't let them get stuck in a lukewarm state. Provide just the right amount of stimulation.
Pisces (born 2/19-3/20)
The key is to respond to opportunities. Don't hesitate and dither, reach out for what feels good. Go in the direction that makes your heart leap.
*The zodiac sign classification varies by about one day depending on the year of birth. If your birthday is close to a border, you can also use the neighboring zodiac sign as a reference.