Horoscope 5/29~6/4
Aries (born 3/21-4/19)
Rethinking your plans is key. This is a time when your thoughts can easily veer into unrealistic directions, so try not to get carried away by your aspirations.
Taurus (born 4/20-5/20)
Self-control is key. It's important not to say or do anything impulsive. Even if you are excited, don't get confused, stay calm and be rational.
Gemini (born 5/21-6/21)
Encouraged to show your accomplishments. Cherish what you have honed through your efforts and hardships. Don't underestimate its value.
Cancer (born 6/22-7/22)
Encouraged to move forward. Imagine things going well, and be happy and generous. Awaken your own vitality and be proactive.
Leo (born 7/23-8/22)
Prompted to solve problems. This is the time when it's easier to get help, so don't deal with it all by yourself, rely on those you can rely on, and talk to them.
Virgo (born 8/23-9/22)
The key is to keep trying. Stay true to yourself and don't settle for superficial satisfaction. Don't let what you've achieved go to waste.
Libra (born 9/23-10/22)
Controlling your emotions is key. Focus on stabilizing your emotions and cultivating a steady mind. Don't rush into things while feeling unstable.
Scorpio (born 10/23-11/21)
The key is to prioritize doing what needs to be done. Even if you want to do other things, hold back and be patient. A steady attitude is important.
Sagittarius (born 11/22-12/21)
Curiosity is key. This is a time when intellectual curiosity and interest are likely to arise, so try opening various doors. Research and learn new things.
Capricorn (born 12/22-1/20)
Encouraged to deepen expertise. Pursue the things you are good at in your field. Build your confidence without compromising.
Aquarius (born 1/21-2/18)
Urged to concentrate. The key is whether you can use your abilities accurately while struggling with the situation. Maintain a sense of tension and continue responding.
Pisces (born 2/19-3/20)
Encouraged to take a new step. Follow your interests and start by gathering information. Follow your desire to learn.
*The zodiac sign classification varies by about one day depending on the year of birth. If your birthday is close to a border, you can also use the neighboring zodiac sign as a reference.