Horoscope 6/19~6/25
Aries (born 3/21-4/19)
The key is to be true to yourself. Don't try to find a way to make it work, but be patient with your truth.
Taurus (born 4/20-5/20)
Adjustments are encouraged. Shifting your way of thinking a little could improve things. Try to avoid conflict as much as possible.
Gemini (born 5/21-6/21)
Encouraged to pursue. Even if you can't grasp it right away, by repeatedly working on it, your understanding will likely deepen little by little.
Cancer (born 6/22-7/22)
Taking responsibility is the key. Taking responsibility yourself can make a big difference in the situation. Use pressure in a positive way.
Leo (born 7/23-8/22)
Encouraged to start afresh. This is a time when it is easy to bring about changes that you have unconsciously desired, so readjust your sense of direction.
Virgo (born 8/23-9/22)
Thinking intelligently is key. It's important to try to understand the essence of what you want. Even if it's abstract, use reason.
Libra (born 9/23-10/22)
Objectivity is key. It is important to reconsider your position from various perspectives. Also consider compatibility with the surrounding environment.
Scorpio (born 10/23-11/21)
The key is not to compromise. If you realize that it's not right, just let it go. It's important to continue pursuing what is authentic for you.
Sagittarius (born 11/22-12/21)
Encouraged to do your best in the current situation. Don't give up on your dreams, keep holding on to them, and make full use of the skills that are needed right now.
Capricorn (born 12/22-1/20)
Encouraged to review your knowledge. What you have believed to be correct may have different views and ways of thinking. Dilute your assumptions.
Aquarius (born 1/21-2/18)
Encouraged to keep learning. It is important to have the attitude of aiming to break through the limits without being satisfied with a certain level. Don't think you already have enough.
Pisces (born 2/19-3/20)
The key is to look at reality. If your dreams are too big, adjust them a bit. Bring your attention back to your feet.
*The zodiac sign classification varies by about one day depending on the year of birth. If your birthday is close to a border, you can also use the neighboring zodiac sign as a reference.