Horoscope 11/6~11/12

Aries (born 3/21-4/19)

A strong will is key. When you feel yourself being drawn towards danger, calmly consider whether that is really the right path for you.

Taurus (born 4/20-5/20)

The key is not to try to box things in. Let go of what you think it should be, and relax. Don't be held back by ideals.

Gemini (born 5/21-6/21)

Caution is key. This is a time when minds can change suddenly, so be prepared to take things slowly if you're doing something that's out of character or unfamiliar to you.

Cancer (born 6/22-7/22)

Protecting yourself is key. Even if you have to let go of a lot of things, hold on to the things you absolutely cannot let go of.

Leo (born 7/23-8/22)

Encouraged to change. This is the time to make new decisions, so follow your inner voice and take a step in a direction that you have never expected.

Virgo (born 8/23-9/22)

Being rational is key. Don't run off in an unknown direction without even understanding why. Put your careless impulses on hold.

Libra (born 9/23-10/22)

The key is not to have too much faith. Don't try to give your whole self to something that is a light to you. Balanced.

Scorpio (born 10/23-11/21)

Seriousness is key. To get where you want to go, you need self-insight and self-control. Learn to handle yourself intelligently.

Sagittarius (born 11/22-12/21)

Encouraged to gain knowledge. It is important to be exposed to the unknown world through reading and other means. Don't just keep things in your own head.

Capricorn (born 12/22-1/20)

The key is to change something. Realize that even a little effort can make a difference. It's important to value small differences.

Aquarius (born 1/21-2/18)

Using your head is key. It's a time when you can pass the time without thinking about anything, but learning something may be the trigger for your breakthrough.

Pisces (born 2/19-3/20)

Understanding things systematically is key. By organizing the information you have gained and what you have learned, you may be able to gain a new, integrated perspective.

*The zodiac sign classification varies by about one day depending on the year of birth. If your birthday is close to a border, you can also use the neighboring zodiac sign as a reference.

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