Horoscope 1/24~1/30
Aries (born 3/21-4/19)
Encouraged to push forward. Even if there is a lot of pressure, even if it hurts a little, follow your own will. Strongly.
Taurus (born 4/20-5/20)
The key is not to waste your energy. When things don't go well, calmly review what's making it useless.
Gemini (born 5/21-6/21)
The key is not to seek meaning. It's okay to drift toward what feels comfortable. It's important to surrender to your senses and just enjoy it.
Cancer (born 6/22-7/22)
Urged to face reality. It's difficult to overcome a wall head-on, so be flexible in your mindset and posture, and stay patient.
Leo (born 7/23-8/22)
Encouraged to break down walls. Rather than staying in a stagnant situation, it's better to seek new stimulation and move. Cleanly shed the past.
Virgo (born 8/23-9/22)
The key is to immerse yourself in your favorite world. Try doing what you're attracted to without judging its worth. Lightly and freely.
Libra (born 9/23-10/22)
Controlling yourself is the key. Have the perspective of checking whether there are any hidden causes of backlash in your reaction to the problem or your approach to it.
Scorpio (born 10/23-11/21)
The key is not to overdo it. In order to make your will come through, you need to carefully observe your surroundings. Be conscious of looking at the whole thing.
Sagittarius (born 11/22-12/21)
Encouraged to have hope. This is a time when you are being guided to a solution, so don't be afraid even if you can't chart your future course yet.
Capricorn (born 12/22-1/20)
Encouraged to spend money. Be proactive in expanding your own experience. Pursue further development and take the necessary actions.
Aquarius (born 1/21-2/18)
Encouraged to pursue your own interests. What is good for yourself will likely lead to being good for others. Be honest about your desires.
Pisces (born 2/19-3/20)
The key is to reimagine the ideal. Based on your past experiences, try building a new vision that can only be created now.
*The zodiac sign classification varies by about one day depending on the year of birth. If your birthday is close to a border, you can also use the neighboring zodiac sign as a reference.